Tag Archives: James Brown

Anna Johanna (Hannah) Nielsen & Christian Christensen Brown: Births, Illnesses, Deaths, Growing Up & Growing Old

The children had to help on the farm.  When Manilla was five years old, she went with them to the fields to haul hay.  It was a hot day, so Manilla would lie down under the wagon in the shade.  As the wagon moved along she followed, staying the shade. One time she got too close to the wheel and was run over, breaking her leg. Hannah lost her oldest son, Christian, during an epidemic of Diphtheria and tonsillitis.  He was twelve years of age. A […]

Anna Johanna (Hannah) Nielsen & Christian Christensen Brown: Homesteading & Marriage

Hannah’s sister, Mary and her husband, met them at the end of the railroad and took them to Richfield where she lived.  They traveled by wagon.  Hannah found employment from a man named Jensen who ran a store in Elsinore.  Hannah helped Mrs. Jensen in the home.  With Hannah and her father both working, they hired a girl to come and sit with her mother.  Hannah’s father worked at cutting stone to earn money to build a home and buy a farm. Her father bought an […]