Anna Johanna (Hannah) Nielsen: Childhood

Anna Johanna Nielsen, (Hannah as she was called) was the daughter of Hans Nielsen and Kirsten Marie Pelsen.  She was born under humble circumstances into a family of six children; two daughters and four sons.

  •     Maren or Mary
  •     Anna Johanna
  •     Niels (lost at sea)
  •     Jens (died at age two)
  •     James (Jens)
  •     Christian

Hannah lived in a small town in the country near the western ocean.  Her father was a stone cutter.  Her mother was an invalid due to severe arthritis.  Hannah was not at home very much, as she worked and earned her own living.  She worked whereever she could obtain employment.  Working in homes, dairies, or even in the fields.  She did not receive much pay for her work.

At one time, Hannah was employed in a wealthy home.  There was another girl working for the same people, but helping in the dairy.  This other girl was a little envious of Hannah because the people they worked for thought so much of Hannah.  One evening a tramp came to the place and was allowed to sleep in the barn for the night.  The girl did not dare to go to the barn to do her work, so she asked Hannah to change work with her that night.  Hannah loved to work outside so she consented willingly to the change.  When she entered the barn to feed the calf there, lying on the hay, was the tramp.  Not knowing anyone was there, she was startled and let out a horrifying scream.  Her employer, coming to see the cause of the excitement, learned of the trick that was played on Hannah.  He gave the other girl a good talking to, and she never tried to trick Hannah again.

Another time, Hannah’s mistress wanted to send some yarn to the Weaver.  She sent Hannah to another town to deliver the yarn.

It was stormy weather and the days were short.  She delivered the yarn and was soon on her way back home.  As darkness came on she lost her way and did not know where she was.

Finally she could see a light in a window and went up to the door and knocked.  The lady of the house opened the door and invited her in to get warm and dry.  She asked Hannah to wait until she put her sick man to bed and she would go with her to start her towards home on the right road.  On Hannah’s way home, she had to go through the woods where a lady had once hung herself.  She was glad when she finally reached her destination.

 Hannah composed the following poem about this experience:


When fourteen years of age my mistress sent me to Heaver

To take a package of yarn to her Weaver.

Ten miles off and the day was short and cloudy too

So mis‑giving on the road I go

Alright I got to Heaver

Delivered the yarn to the weaver

When homeward on the way I went

A drizzling rain from the cloud decent

Over meadows, wood, and river bridge

The road went in and out and twist

I heard some cattle bellow and thought to see some dark spot

So faster on the road I trot

In distant I saw a dim light

When I came close it shined bright;

The door I opened with a bang

In from the darkness did I sprang

My clothes were almost dripping wet

And to the fire the good people me let.

When I again was dry and warm

I rose to go out in the storm.

Not alone the people say,

We’ll go with you apart of the way.

So out we went into the night

But I then knew no more fright

Farther on then I saw my mistress’ light

I clasped their hands and said good‑night.

Hannah only had three years of schooling.  In Denmark the children went to school until they were fourteen years of age, then one year to the Priest to take an examination.  In the summertime, school started at six a.m. and lasted until 9 a.m.‑‑ only 3 hours of school.  In the wintertime school started a 9 a.m. and went on all day.  Hannah only attended school in the winter.  None of Hannah’s family went to the Priest for the examination because their parents were “Mormons” and he would not allow them to attend.

Hannah was very good in her school work but did not advance as fast as the children of the wealthier people.  This was because her parents could not afford to give rich gifts to the teacher.

There was not much free time for amusement in the summertime because Hannah was hired out.  She always wanted to learn to dance, but there was never time for that.  She did, however, enjoy roaming in the woods when time permitted.  It was inspiring, to her, to walk through the big beautiful forest in Denmark.

 In the fall, the Government allowed the poor folks to go into the forests and gather dead wood for winter use.  You could see many children carrying bundles of wood on their backs.

They went long distances into the woods to obtain firewood.  They also gathered hazelnuts for winter roasting.  Hannah always obtained much pleasure from a day spent in the woods among the flowers.

It was the custom, during the Christmas holidays, for the children of Denmark to go to the homes of the rich people and ask for Christmas gifts.  The  people of the wealtlhy class baked up heaps of little cakes to give the children.  The children always looked forward to the day when they could ask for Christmas gifts.


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